Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ps. Samuel Lone’s sermon in brief (7.11.2010)

God can bless us more than we can think about. Today is the Election Day in Myanmar. To change a country, it is also in God’s hands. God give all things to us. He even gave us His only son.
Some people had said the Christianity is belongs to the western countries. For them, may be they don’t know what the origin of Christianity is or don’t want to see other people progress. In facts, the major religions were not started from the western countries. But because of that counties trusting in God’s words, they are developed very well. That countries trust in universal creator God.
Today, bible had translated and printed into 1200 languages and it is the best and most circulated book in the world. For us here, although we cannot find the truth in Myanmar, we still can find in foreign counties. If we know God, we will be rewarded the wisdom to create and invent all things. The western countries trust in God and so we also must follow their ways. In a country, we do not worship the government but we worship the living God. If we trust in God, we will be blessed. Psalm 2:8, God can give us till the end of the world.

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